Realizing Your Potential

Helping women realize their potential since 1893... Let's talk Xi! Something Alpha Xi Delta instills in her members is to realize their potential. Our chapters are always striving to help their members do exactly this! How do we realize our potential? Each of our members is involved in another organization outside of Alpha Xi Delta. Remember our first blog post where we talked about what our sisters do around campus? That's where this comes into play again! Sisters are JSU Southerners, Ballerinas, Ambassadors, and GO! Leaders. Some go to EngageJSU and The Watering Hole. We have sisters that serve on the Student Government Senate! You can see a sister involved on campus almost everywhere you look! Within our chapters, we have SO many leadership opportunities! You can be a Vice President under the chapter president. You can be a Director under a Vice President. You can be a Chair under a Director. There are so many chances to be involved in our chapter and mak...