Panhellenic Summer Social

Are you going to the Panhellenic Summer Social? Not sure what that is... Let's talk Xi! Still on the fence about going through sorority recruitment this fall? Then mark you calendar for July 28 ! The Panhellenic Summer Social is a great way to "get your feet wet" with the recruitment process and the sorority women on campus. What to expect: In the past, the Summer Social has been a busy busy day! All of the women who are going through or are thinking of going through recruitment show up and get name tags to start the day. After you're shown your seat, you'll get to chat with the other women at your table! What classes are you taking? What are you majoring in? Do you know anyone else going through? Chat it up! Who knows, you could be running home together at the end of the summer! Time to EAT! Yes food! There will be a little something to eat along with some tea, water, or lemonade of some sort. Get a some fruit or some chicken or e...