Bid Day Best Day!
Bid Day. Best Day!
Let's talk Xi...
Bid day is a day you'll never forget! This is the day you've been waiting all week to get to!
At Jacksonville State, Bid Day is the Sunday after recruitment starts. You have made it from philanthropy day to sisterhood and values to preference, so now it is time to see where you will run home to!
You're recruitment counselors will go through what to wear that morning before you run home. Usually girls will wear a sports bra or tank top (this is so you can change into your bid day shirt that your new sisters have sent to you!) and denim or running shorts. Whatever you are comfortable wearing. Also make sure you wear some good shoes to run in! Converse or Chacos are always a good way to go, but if you can run in those cute sandals then rock it, sis!
Once you get there you'll sit down and wait for that envelope to come to you. Your recruitment counselor will more than likely give it to you about 20 minutes before you run out. But you'll have to sit there and hold it for a few minutes before anyone can open them! Finally, your recruitment counselors will count down to open them. 3...2...1...
YOUR NEW LETTERS AWAIT! Cheers and tears of joy will fill the room as everyone runs over to their table to get their shirts and change. You'll be able to hear your new sisters cheering and chanting waiting on you to run home to them!
You'll walk down with your new member class sisters to the front steps of the TMB and wait for yet another countdown. Run in 3...2...1...
RUN HOME! Finally you've made it into the welcoming arms of your sweet new sisters. Now go enjoy the day with your new best friends. You may go bowling or have a cookout! Who knows! Just enjoy that time and get to know those amazing knew women you can now call sisters.
Haven't registered for recruitment yet? Here's that link again!
Until next time! XoXi
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