Xi to Me: Lexie Brown

Xi to Me: Lexie Brown Lets Talk Xi... What was most memorable to you when you went through recruitment? The most memorable things from recruitment are the women I met and the friendships I gained. Whether it was the girls in my Rho Gamma group or the girls I talked to between parties, I knew that we were all experiencing the same thing together. Even after we all found where we call home, I knew that we could still count on each other. Ultimately, the experiences and friendships you gain through recruitment are worth a lifetime. What advice can you give a woman coming through recruitment? Don't be afraid to have a real conversation. Yes, it is important to know where you're from and what you're majoring in, but it is also important to relax and truly be yourself. Don't be afraid to take charge and lead the conversation! It's okay to ask a sister about her chapter's values , why she chose her sorority , and what she has gained from her sist...